About us
- A Paper by Associate Professor Xu published on the 'Journal of Fudan Universi...( 2009/06/03 )
- A Report of the International Conference on Urban Splendor: City Life in East...( 2009/06/03 )
- The second volume of “Fudan Humanities Collection” published( 2009/06/03 )
- The second volume of “Fudan Humanities Lectures”published( 2009/06/03 )
- June 18-19th, the International Conference on East Asian Maritime World in th...( 2009/06/03 )
- An arrangement with the Academy of East Asian Studies in Sungkyunkwan Univers...( 2009/06/03 )
- A Paper by Professor Ge published on the 'Journal of Fudan University'( 2009/05/25 )
- 2009 Research Grants for the Third Stage Research Projects of IAHS( 2009/01/06 )
- Prof. Ge Zhaoguang's speech on the Asia Cultural Co-operation Forum, 2007 Hon...( 2008/12/16 )
- Second-stage Research Projects of IAHS( 2008/01/03 )
- Postdoctoral Recruitment for Autumn 2007( 2007/09/13 )
- Self-reflection by Mirroring—On the Japanese and Korean Literatures on Chine...( 2007/09/04 )
- Sincere Invitation for Full-time Professors( 2007/06/09 )
- Prof. Chen Pingyuan of Peking University gave a speech at IAHS Humanities For...( 2007/05/22 )
- Research Areas and Topics of Focal Interest for 2007( 2007/04/10 )
- The Inauguration Ceremony on March 10, 2007( 2007/03/16 )