


Rostislav Berezkin 白若思

National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies.


Local society and religion in China





上课时间:周三下3-4 (9:50-11:35)


Course description


The aim of the course is to introduce the major studies and modern tendencies in the area of Chinese society and religion. It describes the studies of Chinese popular religions from the perspective of sociology, ethnology, anthropology, folklore and other initially Western disciplines. Many scholars treated religion primarily as a social institution, so they analyzed the role of religious beliefs and practices in the local society. The course contents includes such topics as the family life and organization of rural society; the role of temple festivals and pilgrimages, Daoism and Buddhism in local society; syncretic religions of the late imperial period; the links of ritual and theatre; city life; and the problems of changes in popular religion in the modernized rural and urban society. The time period is from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) to the Republican period (1912-1949), though the course also deals with some recent developments in the social life. The emphasis is on Western works. The course is taught in English, but most materials for reading are in Chinese translation.





 课程大纲:2015 02 20 syllabus spring 2015 - копия.docx

 阅读材料:2015 spring course reading.RB.rar


发布时间: 2015/03/11
